Leadership talk on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Date: 21 April, 2020
Time and duration: 11:00 Am (28 Minutes 38 seconds)
Resource Person with affiliation: Dr. Gururaj Desh Deshpande, Indian-American Venture
Capitalist and Entrepreneur in conversation with Dr. Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer,
MHRD Innovation Cell
Program Theme: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
 To understand and listen to expert opinion on how to take on challenges and overcoming
them for entrepreneurs.
 To get an insights on getting more investment for startups.
Benefit in terms of learning/Skill/Knowledge obtained:
Clarity on the approach towards entrepreneurship, assurance that institutions do not necessarily
make a difference when one truly wants to be an entrepreneur, path ahead to lead as a change-
Overall report of the activity:
Date: 21 April, 2020
Time and duration: 11:00 Am (28 Minutes 38 seconds)
Resource Person with affiliation: Dr. Gururaj Desh Deshpande, Indian-American venture
capitalist and Entrepreneur in conversation with Dr. Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer,
MHRD Innovation Cell
The talk revolved around different aspects of promotion of innovation and entrepreneurshipculture in our educational Institutions. Dr. Desh Deshpande who hails from a small town in
Karnataka, who is now a leading investor and an entrepreneur, who was also appointed by the then President of the United States Mr. Obama, as the Co-Chair for National Advisory Council dealing with innovation and entrepreneurship, opined that life is full of opportunities. To perceive a situation as a problem or an opportunity fully depends on the mindset of an individual. World is changing very rapidly and he thinks, one's ability to adapt to new situations and think about solutions and be excited about solving problems is the need of the hour. He added that one cannot afford to be stuck in the rat race for achieving mere success like being a topper when his ultimate aim is to lead the change that he wishes to see in the world, he has to be creative.He further laid emphasis on the importance of focusing on the opportunities and learning to become a problem solver rather than a complainer. Indians are globally as competent as anyone else in this era, he said. There is a lot of expertise in this country. He also suggested that the youth cannot be afraid of taking risks and the ability of taking and enjoying solving them is the key. He went one step further to assure that when investors are looking at entrepreneurships, they tend to pay attention to the track record and not the educational background of entrepreneurs and youth doesn't have to worry about their institutional background when they possess the zeal to work and
solve problems. Dr. Deshpande concluded with the thought that all need to think about making this world a better place and be problem solvers and not complainers. We can soon make India a Global Innovation Hub and create a generation of Problem Solvers.