: MIC Driven session on “Building the Pipeline of Quality Innovations and Startups in HEIs with Ecosystem Enablers by Creating and Managing YUKTI Innovation and IPR Repository (YIIR)”
Institution’s Innovation Council IIS (deemed to be University), Jaipur Report 2024-25 Name of the Department: IIC Council Date: 2 August 2024 Time and duration: 11:00AM – 12:15PM (1 Hour 15 Minutes) Venue: Online Resource Person with affiliation: Mr. Dipan Kumar Sahu, Assistant Innovation Director, MoE’s Innovation Cell Topic on which activity was organised: MIC Driven session on “Building the Pipeline of Quality Innovations and Startups in HEIs with Ecosystem Enablers by Creating and Managing YUKTI Innovation and IPR Repository (YIIR)” Number of Participants: Students 54Faculty 10 Objective of the Workshop/Seminar/Activity: To understand the advantages of YIIR for innovators and also get to know that how can innovators can register in YUKTI portal. Overall Report of the activity: In this session Mr. Dipan Sahu emphasizes the strategic effort to nurture and develop innovative ideas and startups within Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs). This initiative leverages the YUKTI Innovation and IPR Repository (YIIR) as a central platform to manage and showcase intellectual property, research outputs, and innovative projects.He also covered institutional challenges, YIIR's work, its integrated approach, IIC roles and benefits to innovators in his talk. Outcome: YIIR helps innovators to showcase ideas on YUKTI also get to know about the registration process& submission of the idea on the portal. Social Media link : Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7234875261656170496 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0VbfSizoEPqbHCXS7... Q1h4RPgbf2jV2iaMZJsfBmd3fo9yErNqmekD6fggil&id=100064150445299